What does a Coach do?

Danny Walker is one of Manchester City’s youth coaches. It’s his job to develop and shape young players into the stars of the future.

Video transcript

Danny Walker- Coach
In our series of online films, you’ll see lots of different people doing lots of different jobs – and maybe your dream career will be in there somewhere! You’ve all seen football stars play, but how do they get so good? That’s where the coaches come in, so we met one of Manchester City’s youth coaches to find out how the stars of the future are made.

What I do
I am the lead coach for Manchester City under-14s.

How I got my job
I started out coaching Manchester City’s under-six team and I’ve been working with the different age ranges ever since.

What I love about my job
I love my job because I just love football. I also think having the chance to develop and shape many young players to become the best version of themselves, on and off the pitch, is a privilege.

What is difficult about my job
Every opponent we face is different and brings new challenges, so we always need to be ready to be flexible and adapt.

What skills I need
Enthusiasm, good communication, punctuality and passion.

Where should young people start if they want to do the job?
There are many different places to start. A great place to begin would be to check out your local FA and see what opportunities they have to do your coaching badges. Also, start volunteering at your local grassroots football club.

How do you think your job could change in the future?
Coaching is getting more advanced in terms of technology, recording and reviewing. In the future, I can see more and more technology being introduced.

Published: January 26, 2022
Length: 4:48